Promoting youth leadership in conservation

3C and Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS) met on 12 September 2018 to discuss the role of the youth in helping coastal communities build resilience. The passion and energy of this stakeholder should be utilized more effectively to advance efforts in environmental education and leadership. In Cambodia, university students are volunteering their time in coastal conservation through activities such as replanting mangroves and operating sustainable aquaculture farms. They also share their technical knowledge to help improve livelihoods of coastal communities. Collaboration between 3C and CVS includes sharing information on programs for youth to increase their leadership skills and cooperating with each other to provide capacity building opportunities for the youth to grow into positions as community leaders.
On 13 September 2018 3C and Royal University of Phnom Penh initiated dialogues to explore providing opportunities for students from outside Cambodia to volunteer with various coastal and marine initiatives in Cambodia. The aim is for students to share their technical knowledge with coastal communities while also helping with and learning about nature-based solutions to increase coastal resilience.
If you are a university student interested in volunteer work in Cambodia, please contact 3C to find out how to get involved.
E-mail to environment3c@yahoo.com